
4min Breath is The Teacher Meditation by Francesca Bonta
Everything starts with breath and needs breath: life, consciousness, meditation. I'd like to share with you this beautiful poem by Donna Martin where she makes us be mindful about the importance and the beauty of breathing. Listen to this 4min Breath is The Teacher meditation.
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22min Yoga Nidra by Francesca Bonta
One hour of Yoga Nidra (which means "yogic sleep") is believed to be as restorative as five hours of actual sleep. It is a powerful meditation technique that guides you into a deep relaxation state where you can learn about true yourself and release...
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Loving Kindness - 8min
Unconditional love is a natural feeling that is available to all of us always. Allow yourself to remember and open up to your basic goodness.  Listen to my 8min Loving Kindness meditation.
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13min body scan meditation by Francesca Bonta
Body scan meditations are great to improve the awareness of your body and the sensations you might have of pain, tension or numbing, as well as to relax and relieve accumulated stress. Listen to my 13min Body Scan meditation.
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